Sabtu, 22 Mei 2021



오늘날 세계 자선 거래의 양과 가치를 무시할 수 없습니다. 크립토는 전통적인 모델을 모방하고 개선하고 있으며 이러한 라인을 따라 크립토 공간에서 얻은 부가 자선 세계에 참여할 유사한 경로를 찾고있는 것은 흔한 일입니다. 그것은 엄청난 수의 평범한 사람들이 그들을 기본으로 지원합니다. 또한 그것은 한 나라의 이상적인 미묘함입니다. 수많은 사람들이 암호 화폐 세계에 진입하고 있으며 분산 된 기후가 제공하는 추가 혜택으로 어쨌든 비 이기적인 관행을 복제 할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.


우리는 관습적인 계획이 비현실적인 이동 지침과 권력의 중앙 집중화에 의존하기 때문에 산산이 부서지는 만남의 배열에서 중요한시기에 있습니다. 새로운 번영과 자금 관련 위기는 한동안 일관되고 거친 것으로 간주되었던 표준 시스템의 이득 약점을 보여주었습니다. 새로운 문제가 발생하면 새로운 행동 방침이 드러나고 $ HOPE에서 우리는 암호화 현금 세계가 세계에서 가장 불편한 문제에 대해 현명한 대응을 전달하는 새롭고 분산 된 혁신적 이웃 시스템을위한 훌륭한 장소임을 인정합니다.


희망 팀 높은 수준의 세계의 도전과 암호 현금의 전원 인터페이스 구축 동전과 도움의 선구자로 변환 할 필요가있다. 가정은 BSC (Binance Smart Chain) 협회를 통해 이루어집니다. 기본 주식은 1,000,000,000 토큰입니다. 우리는 각 거래의 1 %를 삼킬 것입니다. 우리는 우리의 축복이 다양한 이유로 가능한 한 최대한 범위에 나타나도록하고, 갑작스런 재난이 발생할 경우 거부당하는 사람들을 돕기 위해 준비된 가장 강력한 방법을 마련했습니다.


우리는 본질적으로 활동 공간에서 가까운 영역에 확고하게 영향을 미치는 중간 규모의 제휴를 지원하는 데 기반을두고 있지만 더 큰 전체 원인의 기본 영향에 대해 생각하므로 두 가지를 모두 지원하는 프레임 워크를 개발했습니다. 우리는 젊은이, 환경,지도, 부적절한 사람들, 음식을 돌보는 사람들, 절망 완화 등과 같은 다양한 클래스에서 큰 목적을 지원합니다.


HOPE 팀은 작업을 검토하고 공개 모델에 따라받는 사람을 미리 선택합니다. 우리는 이웃이 일반 투표를 개최하도록 미리 선택된 큰 동기를 해결합니다. 3 개월 동안 HOPE는 더 많은 전체 제휴 관계를 제공합니다. 모임은 기록 된 원인을 미리 선택합니다. 어쨌든 수신자 결정에 대한 계속적인 선택은 우리 보유자로부터 확실하게 올 것입니다. $ HOPE는 타의 추종을 불허하는 상징주의와 우위와 이웃을 강화할 것으로 기대되는 놀라운 이타적인 방법을 가지고 있습니다.

$ HOPE 작업을 달성하는 방법
1,000,000,000 토큰의 근본적인 완전 저장을 통해 $ HOPE는 각 거래에서 공제되는 8 %의 비용을 적용하며, 이에 따라 사용됩니다.

이 8 %에서
3.5 %는 당사 보유자가 선택한 제휴에 대한 월간 기부금에 할당됩니다.
1.5 %는 합류 된 재난 지원 상점에 분산되어 긴급 상황이 발생해야하는 경우 전달됩니다.
8 %의 추가 3 %는
홍보 및 운영 비용 1 %입니다. .
6 명의 소유주와 소속의 모든 사람에게 1 %.
1 %는 소각됩니다.
또한 우리의 Tokenomics를 다른 어떤 코인도 아직 도달하지 못한 수준으로 전달하는 방법을 정리했습니다.


우리는 파트너 암호 화폐 후원자들을위한 또 다른 기술을 안전한 축복 방식으로 만들고, 직설 성과 의무에 대한 현재 지침을 확장하고 있습니다. 우리의 노력은 높은 수준의 세계 문제로 암호화 현금 공간의 개선을 공고히 할 수있는 무한한 결과를 믿는 장기적인 통화 후원자를 끌어들입니다. 발전을 위해 근본적으로 축복을 사용하는 다른 자선 토큰과는 달리, 우리는 리더들을 적절하게 축복하는 것을 봅니다.


토큰 세부 정보
토큰 이름 : $ Hope
블록 체인 플랫폼 :
사용 가능한 바이 낸스 스마트 체인 코인 : 1,000,000,000
티커 : HOPE

중요한주의 사항, 사양에 대한 전체 섹션을주의 깊게 읽으십시오. 이는 당사가 서비스 / 사이트 / 애플리케이션 또는 콘텐츠에 대해 어떠한 보증도하지 않음을 설명합니다.

이 서비스는 온라인, 분산 형, 자율적 프로토콜 및 환경에 대한 액세스를 허용합니다. 당사는 귀하의 개인 키에 액세스 할 수 없으며 암호 화폐를 전송하거나 가상 통화에 액세스 할 수 없습니다. 당사는 귀하의 지갑 또는 사이트 및 애플리케이션을 포함한 서비스를 사용할 때 수행하는 활동에 대해 책임을지지 않습니다.


공식 링크

웹 사이트 :
백서 :
페이스 북 :  https : / /
텔레 그램 :
트위터 :



Bitcointalk 사용자 이름 : Oscar Melendo
Bitcointalk 프로필 :;u=2853231
BSC 지갑 : 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1

Base Reward Token — Desensitized Finance Ecosystem Protocol

Base Reward Token — Desensitized Finance Ecosystem Protocol

Dezentrale Finanzen sind ein offenes Finanzsystem, das auf Blockchain-Technologie basiert und dezentraler Natur ist. Die Kernidee des Base Reward Ecosystems besteht darin, Kryptowährung, Blockchain-Technologie und verschiedene Unternehmen an einem Ort zu kombinieren, um Benutzer für ihre Loyalität zu belohnen. Und Blockchain-Entwicklung einer anderen Vereinigung an einem einsamen Ort, um Kunden für ihre Unbeweglichkeit wieder gut zu machen und Komplizen zu werden, die sich an der Bezahlung beteiligen und als Base Reward Token Holder an einzigartigen Aktionen teilnehmen. Basisbelohnungs-Token bieten den besten Service und alle können auf einer Plattform erhalten werden.

Sofortiger Austausch zwischen Kryptos mit einer sehr schnellen Zeit und einer großen Auswahl an Kryptowährungen. Es besteht die Hoffnung, dass Anleger und Händler viele Möglichkeiten haben können, die zu sehr geringen Kosten erwartet werden, um den Gewinn zu maximieren.


Basisprämien-Token-Ökosystem Das
Basisprämien-Token-Ökosystem ist ein dezentrales Finanz-Ökosystem, das entwickelt wurde, um seine Dienste weltweit ohne Einschränkung und Einschränkung zu integrieren und zu erweitern. Schaffung einer effektiven und effizienten dezentralen digitalen One-Stop-Shop-Marktwirtschaft mit einem stabilen Wirtschaftswachstum Base Reward-Ökosystem mit Blockchain- und Kryptowährungs-Base Reward-Token. Wert in der realen Welt erreichen.


Die Plattform von Base Reward Token ist ein Marktplatz, auf dem so viele Segmente gekauft und Transaktionen durchgeführt werden können. BRT ermöglicht seinen Token-Inhabern den Zugriff auf eine Reihe von Online-Einkäufen, sodass sie bei jeder Transaktion Token-Belohnungen verdienen können. Einzelpersonen und Kunden der Online-Informationsphase müssen von den geteilten Informationen profitieren und davon profitieren, anstatt sie für unterversorgte Personen und Einzelpersonen umsonst anzubieten. Nachladbare virtuelle Karten sind eine quadratische Maßnahme, die für Online-Benutzer weder leicht zugänglich noch billig ist. Die Agentur der Vereinten Nationen möchte im Internet anonym bleiben. Das grundlegende Belohnungstoken kann die Lücke zwischen Kosten und Papierkram schließen, um ein sicheres und einfaches Angebot durch Online-Browsing und Interaktion auf dem gesamten Kontinent und auf der ganzen Welt bereitzustellen.


Dienstleistungen von (BRT) Basisprämie-Token
BRT-Inhaber können die Token verwenden und Produkte und Dienstleistungen innerhalb des Ökosystems kaufen. BRT wird dem Inhaber die Möglichkeit geben, einige der Base Reward-Dienste zu Beginn und alle seine Dienste in Zukunft über zu bezahlen

Instant Exchanger-Dienste

Der Instant Exchanger ist ein automatischer Geldwechsler mit sofortigem Wechsel zwischen Krypto und Gebühren von nur 0,5% für
Mobile Gaming-Dienste

Das Kernteam von Base Reward Token möchte Teil dieser Revolution sein, indem es den Kauf und Download von Handyspielen auf seiner Plattform gegen eine festgelegte Gebühr mithilfe von Base Reward Token ermöglicht.

RBT beabsichtigte, den jungen E-Commerce-Markt zu nutzen, um Marktanteile im E-Commerce zu gewinnen, indem die bekanntesten Marktplätze wie eBay geschaffen wurden, auf denen Anbieter und Käufer ihre Bedürfnisse, Gebote und Transaktionen sicher und sicher erfüllen können.
Prepaid-Dienste für Visa / Master Card

Karten für Online-Einkäufe, die weltweit für jeden Geldautomaten akzeptabel sind und Punkte für jede einzelne Transaktion erhalten, nicht basierend auf dem einzelnen Transaktionsvolumen, sondern basierend auf dem wiederkehrenden Volumen. Benutzer können Punkte für BRT-Token einlösen.


Vorteile von (BRT) Basisbelohnungs-Token
Die BRT-Token-Basisbelohnung ist das Hauptgut, das alle Aktivitäten des Basisbelohnungs-Ökosystems repräsentiert. (BRT) Token für alle genutzten Vorteile

Visa / Master Einmalige oder mehrfache Verwendung der Karte.
Karten für Online-Einkäufe und weltweit akzeptabel bei jedem Geldautomaten.
Kryptos mit Gebühren von nur 0,5%. Kaufen Sie Kryptowährungen mit Kreditkarte / Debitkarte sofort und schnell.
Bei jeder auf unserer Austauschplattform getätigten Transaktion erhält der Benutzer 50% der Gebühren,
wenn BRT Base Reward Token einen Teil seiner Dienste in Anspruch nimmt.
60% der Ökosystemgebühren werden an alle Token-Inhaber verteilt, indem Liquidität bereitgestellt wird. Mit dem
Base Reward Token kann der Token-Inhaber auf eine Vielzahl von Online-Einkäufen zugreifen und bei jeder Transaktion einen Token verdienen.

Investoren und Händler können viele Entscheidungen treffen, die zu sehr geringen Kosten erwartet werden, um ihren Gewinn auf dem Kryptomarkt einfach und sicher zu maximieren.

Token-Name: Basisbelohnung Token-
Token-Ticker: BRT
Dezimal: 18
Blockchain-Technologie: SMART CHAIN (BEP-20)
Token-Typ: Dienstprogramm-Token
Vertragsadresse: 0xfa87b870e751179bef7dcada8c18fc5ca4a37bb0


Harte und schnelle Versorgung: 12 Millionen Token.
Der harte und schnelle Bestand ist überraschenderweise auf 12 Millionen Token begrenzt. Das aktuelle Inventar ist die Gesamtzahl der Token, die sich im Besitz von Inhabern befinden, auf dem Luftweg abgeworfen, im Besitz von Zubehör, gesammelt und im Besitz von Autoren sind. Der BRT-Streaming-Bestand kann nach vorheriger Absprache weniger als 2 Millionen betragen. Ebenso haben wir ein Kauf- und Burnout-Programm.



Anfang des ersten Quartals 2018 Technische Beratung für verschiedene Dienste mit Experten
Anfang des ersten Quartals 2019 Entwicklung von Tokenomics und Ökosystemen
Anfang des ersten Quartals 2020 Der Bau eines automatischen Wärmetauschers
Ende des dritten Quartals 2020 Einführung eines automatischen Wärmetauschers
Ende des vierten Quartals 2020 Beginn von Airdrop und Runde 1

Ende des ersten Quartals 2021 Einführung von Kartendiensten.
Veröffentlichung der mobilen Ökosystem-App
Frühes Q2 2021 Token-Verteilungsereignis.
Ende des zweiten Quartals 2021 Aktivierung der monatlichen Liquidität.
Spätes Q4 2021 Token USE CASE Aktivierung.
Ende des vierten Quartals 2021 Wachstum und Ausbau der eingeführten Dienste.
Anfang des ersten Quartals 2022 In Arbeit an anderen Diensten und mehr


Diese Plattform bietet alle erforderlichen Informationen zu einem Asset, einer Börse oder einer Einrichtung, die sich auf Kryptowährung bezieht. Die oben genannten umfangreichen Teammitglieder zeigen auch, dass das Management nach Spitzenleistungen strebt. Es wird Investoren aller Klassen und Fondsmanager in einer dezentralen Präsentation zusammenbringen. Beteiligen Sie sich noch heute an diesem phänomenalen Projekt!

Brandon Che

CEO / Gründer
Ahmed Ali
Blockchain und Web Voll Stapel Entwickler
Hermann Taleu
Marketing Manager
Vukwensi Edith
Financial Controller
Teboh Capwel
Social Media Manager
Mbah Ruth Micheal
Head of Technical Support


Die offizielle Projekt-Social-Media-Website:


White Paper:
Linkedin:  https: / /



Forum Benutzername: Oscar Melendo
Forum Profil:;u=2853231

Telegramm-Benutzername: @JustinHarijawan
BEP20: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1

Jumat, 14 Mei 2021

Whole Earth Foundation (W.E.F)

Whole Earth Foundation (W.E.F)


To address this problem, the Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) proposes to utilize the Whole Earth Access (WEA) platform to connect general citizens (or information providers) and infrastructure service providers by providing access to a database containing detailed information about their infrastructure, and an ecosystem designed to facilitate communication and collaboration.


At its core is the environmental database, constructed by pooling together and geoprocessing multiple public and privately available data sources. Once normalized, the data will undergo additional processing to be made available in very high geographical resolution, which is not available in most publicly available datasets today. The data is also pre-cleaned, helping shorten the development time for machine learning projects by third-party developers. Information providers can interact with this data through a UI (e.g., mobile app), enabling them to stay informed about the infrastructure’s status around them, thereby helping alleviate the imbalance of information between them and the infrastructure service providers.


Furthermore, in addition to having access to data, citizens can actively support the database and, consequently, maintain the underlying infrastructure. A commonly shared limitation among existing environmental databases is the slow renewal of information - an average of 1-5 years of wait time. The WEA platform expects to address this by crowdsourcing data collection; Participants of the ecosystem will contribute data to help maintain an up-to-date database


that infrastructure service providers can use to make better-informed decisions. Gamification mechanisms such as Quests will be explored to motivate participant engagement.


Participants will earn a blockchain-based token (Whole Earth Coin, hereafter WEC) for the provision of high-quality data, enabling a free and open marketplace that allows for the creation and efficient exchange of important data.


This approach is expected to help establish a system that promotes regular maintenance and renewal of infrastructure while raising the general citizens’ interest in the topic. As the public’s interest further grows, this momentum will accelerate the establishment of a society where citizens actively collaborate with institutions in joint-effort projects geared towards environmental improvement.


When we examine the world broadly, we see a growing issue of aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, service providers governing these infrastructure assets have not always adequately maintained and renewed the facilities they manage.


Imbalanced access to information between service providers and citizens
The lack of general incentive among parties to challenge the status quo


Help the database grow, earn tokens for your contributions
What you earn will fluctuate based on how much you contributed to help improve infrastructure
Become engaged with your community, and collaborate with service providers to build a smarter infrastructure


Whole Earth Access (WEA) comprises the following three key groups:
Information Providers
Information providers (mainly general citizens) can access the environmental database and contribute data to earn utility tokens.
Infrastructure Service Providers
Infrastructure service providers can utilize the environmental database and tools created by third-party developers to improve development projects’ efficiency.
Partners can access the environmental database to develop novel tools that benefit the infrastructure and the environment, help publicize our project and vision to the world, and much more.


WEA platform tools to build and utilize the environmental database

Create reports about the condition of your local infrastructure, sharing the latest information with the community
Use intelligent machine learning applications powered by the environmental database to obtain predictive insight about local infrastructure and make smarter decisions


Reduce maintenance costs and maximize water savings!

Build smarter, more energy-efficient buildings!

and Many More!
We are constantly looking for new and creative ideas. Contact us to get involved!

Leadership & Core Members & Advisors

Takatsugu Kobayashi: CEO, Co-Founder
Mayumi Suzuki: CFO, Co-Founder
Hiroaki Sengoku: Fellow Engineer
Chef Sasagawa: Senior Engineer
Daiki Moriyama: Founding Advisor (Upcoming COO)
Takashi Kato: Co-Founder and CEO of Fracta, Inc.
Yumiko Nishimura: Counselor
Jordan Breslow: Legal Counsel


Preserving and Creating Resources
An important part of implementing this approach is a method for measuring the value of the information provided. We hope you have enjoyed the introduction of our project. For more information and updates on the project, please follow our website. We also regularly provide information on social media












Forum Username: Oscar Melendo

Forum Profile Link:;u=2853231

Telegram Username: @JustinHarijawan

ETH Wallet Address: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1

WellBe Coin

WellBe Coin

General Introduction

Fitness industry is a very huge industry and has been in existence for a long time . Integrating blockchain technology into the industry will revolutionize and disrupt the industry . Almost all aspect of the global economy has integrated blockchain technology to achieve some level of operational efficiency , security and economy of cost. Health sector , Education , finance , logistic and several industries has been enjoying the benefits of leveraging blockchain technology .


In this publication, i will be discussing about Wellbe coin platform , a fitness platform that aims to leverage the power of blockchain technology , smart contracts technology and governance to create an easy to access Fitness services and highly profitable investment opportunities for everyone. WellBe Coin envision to develop a blockchain powered Fitness platform where Smart contracts technology and governance will be leverage to provide opportunities for the platform users.


WellBe envisioned to build a robust economy on blockchain and combine some beneficial features which will allow large numbers of fitness and sporting organization leading their way through cutting edge development . The team of the project will fund the project developments and increasing global awareness through massive funding of the marketing and other promotional program . This will enable global adoption by various merchant all over the world


About WellBE Coin

WellBE Coin platform is spearheading the mission of Crypto massive adoption in fitness industry . The team will found a foundation named (TRESOR) which will ensure the stability and steady development of WELB ecosystem . WelBE will offer up to 15% interest per annum for the investors in their platform and platform will operate a decentralized treasury where the Reserve are being stored in FIAT. The project ICO has kicked off since April 9,2021 , the sales is still ongoing , this will grant prospective investors opportunity to buy token at cheaper price and gain early bird advantage. For more detailed information about the token sale ,kindly refer to the link :


Why it worth investing in WellBe Coin ?

WellBe is a new Digital currency that is designed to power the World of Fitness and Sport . The Ecosystem implements governance model and incorporate blockchain/ smart contract technology to ensure operational efficiency and maintain high level of transparency and fairness. WellBe Coin will surely be an ideal cryptocurrency for everyone due to its promising features.


Fitness industry have over 230 million club members all over the world , this will ensure swift growth of the cryptocurrency . There is high tendency of mass adoption . Blockchain technology has created new era in Fitness industry where everyone can take advantage .

Users have tendency of profiting up to 15% APY per annum on their investments. Users will be able to pay their various subscription using WELB to gain access to Fitness . #WELB #WellBe Coin #Bitcoin #BSC #Crypto


The Specificities of WellBe Coin



ICO: Yes
Code: WELB
Token type : BEP20
Blocking time : 1 minute
Consensus : proof of stake
Staking : 1 WELB minimum (transaction with 101 confirmations)
Masternode : 1000 WELB
Cash cycle: every 7 days
Approximately 200,000 WELB are published monthly for the first year .Allowances can easily be thought of as "10/10/10/40/40"


200,000 WELB will be released on monthly basis in the first year . The allocation can be found below :

10% allocated to Stakers

40% , allocated to MasterNodes

30% , allocated to Treasury

10% allocated to FAS

10% to WELLBE BONE .


Masternode operators will start earning after the 6th month of launch .Masternode requirement is 1000 WELB

Ticker : WELB

ICO : Yes

Token blockchain Network: BEP20

Consensus : Proof of Stake

Block time : 1 minute

Masternode requirement : 1000 WELB

STAKING : minimum of 1 WELB



WellBE is a good choice of cryptocurrency for everyone . The platform will leverage the benefits of blockchain technology to offer the global fitness lover best Fitness ecosystem. WellBe envisioned to build a robust economy on blockchain and combine some beneficial features which will allow large numbers of fitness and sporting organization leading their way through cutting edge development . Users have tendency of profiting up to 15% APY per annum on their investments,




Bitcointalk username: Oscar Melendo

BTT profile:;u=2853231

BEP20 WALLET: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1