Senin, 25 Oktober 2021

Crypto Dogs Club — NFT Market

Crypto Dogs Club — NFT Market


Blockchain tehnologija je učinkovito implementirana na različite platforme diljem svijeta, posebno u igrama i proširenoj stvarnosti. Blockchain tehnologija ima niz funkcionalnosti koje pomažu platformi da radi bolje od tradicionalne tehnologije. A Crypto Dogs ovdje je kao NFT platforma koja će pružiti najveća blockchain arhitektonska rješenja za budući virtualni svijet. Platforma za kripto pse nudi sigurnost, visoke performanse i mogućnosti međusobnog povezivanja, kao i mogućnost rješavanja raznih poteškoća u razvoju virtualnog svijeta. Rješenja za kripto pse daju programerima i potrošačima blockchain arhitekturu za virtualni svijet koja je daleko sigurnija i učinkovitija od tradicionalne tehnologije.


Pritisnite gumb "Potvrdi" nakon što unesete količinu BNB -a koju želite prodati.

Za razvoj dobivamo 4% naknade od prodaje. U stupcu "Primi" možete vidjeti koliko novca ćete dobiti od prodaje.

Što je NFT i kako funkcionira?

NFT-ovi su tokeni koji se mogu sakupljati s ocjenama jedinstvenosti i rijetkosti koji su popularni na Binance Smart Chain-u (BSC) i Ethereumu. NFT je koristan za više nego samo za kripto umjetnost, a BSC sada ima vrhunski ekosustav tokena koji nije zamjenjiv.


Što je zapravo NFT?

NFT-i su nedjeljiva digitalna sredstva za koja se može pokazati da su jedinstvena. Ne postoje dvije iste jer nose identifikacijske informacije pohranjene u pametnim ugovorima. Crypto Dogs Club, na primjer, koristi NFT na razne načine. NFT su kolekcionarska umjetnost koja je gamificirana, miješajući umjetnost s igranjem.


Koja je lokacija mojih Crypto Dogs-a?

Na BSC blockchainu psi se spremaju kao kovanice ERC-721 i hostiraju na IPFS-u. Vaši psi se mogu pronaći na Marketplace ili Palačinka na adresi vašeg povezanog novčanika.


Koja je cijena kripto psa?

Radi poštenosti, psi nemaju cjenovne razine i svi su izvorno cijenjeni po jedinstvenoj pristojbi od 0,3 BNB po komadu.


Koji je najbolji način za nabavu Crypto Dogova?

Kada kovanje počne uživo, psi će biti dostupni za kupnju na našoj web stranici. Kada kupite NFT, imat ćete jedinstvene, blockchain generirane Psi poslane u vaš novčanik.


Što mogu učiniti sa svojim psom?

Psi su korisni u raznim situacijama. Vrijedne su, vizualno lijepe i mogu se kupiti i prodati na tržištu, kao i svako drugo umjetničko djelo. Za razliku od mnogih drugih NFT -ova, Psi imaju svoje tržište na kojem članovi mogu dobiti pristup klupskim privilegijama i još mnogo toga.


Je li ovo mudro ulaganje?

Nijedna od gore navedenih informacija nije namjera da bude savjet za ulaganje, ali činjenica je da psi obično žive 10–13 godina u stvarnom svijetu, ali mogu živjeti neograničeno na blockchainu.


Detalji prodaje

  • 24. listopada u 16:00 UTC održat će se rasprodaja.  Vaše lokalno vrijeme
  • Ukupan broj NFT-ova koji se mogu minirati je 10.000.
  • Maksimalni doprinos: 20 NFT po transakciji • Cijena: 0,3 BNB po NFT-u Ali možete kovati koliko god puta želite. • Vremensko ograničenje: 72 sata ako su svi NFT iskovani.

TokenID brojevi za pse kreiraju se nasumično iz ugovora.

Adresa ugovora: 0x04612e23879d895c8587271f09f2675f3026cd55

Nemojte slati BNB ili bilo koje druge tokene na adresu ugovora.

 Javna prodaja će biti dostupna samo na .

Nema predprodaje niti dodijeljenih sjedećih mjesta za tim. Javna prodaja održat će se za sve NFT -ove.


Posjetite vezu ispod


Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Oscar Melendo
Telegram Korisničko ime: @JustinHarijawan
Novčanik: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1



Solidus Technologies are a UK-based advancement association with a middle focus on Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence. Solidus are closing the internal type of their Eco Friendly High Powered Computing Data Center and Infrastructure as a Service’ stage where Artificial Intelligence organizations can be purchased using the universes first AI

Using its full heap of enormous business mechanical assemblies , Solidus is building the square chain working structure for public region affiliations. This organization undertaking game plan utilizes sharp arrangements, asset the chiefs course of action, character the board course of action, and cycle robotization. The course of action gives a private, undertaking chain developed specifically for states. It incorporates the ability to name different levels of permission to endorsed customers, ensuring independent endorsement of trades and exercises that set up full security and obligation while following huge assurance standards.

The Enterprise Block chain Solution for Government enables occupants, occupants, and associations to participate and manage their data, making an ensured structure that will streamline government-inhabitant association, while getting information against hacking and distortion.


Solidus AI Tech is a computation network made to course enrolling ability to affiliations working on complex AI projects requiring high preparing power. The best need critical is enrolling power and we are hoping to give Megacorps, Governmental trained professionals, SME’s and specialists with unparalleled wellsprings of figuring power. We are needing to set up critical AI GPU server ranches in Bucharest and later on we expect to gather additional server ranches across Europe.


Our Research and Development bunch has an incredibly solid mission to additionally foster efficiency and breaking point the power use in our server ranches working under ISO 14001:2015. On account of their remarkable effort, our present gear is running at 40% less power use. Our AI gear will run on a comparable IP which will make our server ranch one of the most eco-obliging on earth.

Around the construction premise, we will set up 128 trees as a component of a contributing project in relationship with the Ministry of Education in Romania. The super 10 National Olympics juvenile PC analysts will be free to join the Solidus Educational Awards Program

Why Solidus AI TECH?
Our vision at Solidus AI TECH is clear yet critical. We need to manufacture truly compelling server cultivates that can fulfil the yearning for figuring power in the overall market. We will absolutely change the way wherein handling practices are managed and performed when gotten together with versatile instruments to help designs in safely passing on and adjusting their applications. Specifically, in the wake of cutting down computation costs, a couple of uses, for instance, CGI Rendering, Scientific Calculation, and Machine Learning will end up being more open. One of our essential objectives is to gather energy useful AI HPC server ranches.

Stage to pass on AI organizations to our clients.
Exactly when our AI instrastucture is live Megacorps, Governmental trained professionals, SME’s and specialists will really need to purchase an extent of AI organizations which will join Voice Recognition, Face Recognition, Data Analysis, etc The Software and gear in our server ranch passes on the organizations through a customer self-organization entrance in which the Customer picks their resources and programming extra things.

Through its establishment, Solidus will serve complex estimation genuine data assessment tasks that include:
1. PC based insight as a Service for Medical Industry to separate prosperity data, find fixes and produce antibodies.
2. PC based insight as a Service for the Health Care Industry for Appointment Automation.
3. PC based insight as a Service for fast up-and-comer Profiling and Recruiting.
4. PC based knowledge as a Service for Sales Automation and Lead Generation.
5. Far off aides in the Public Service.
6. Gridlock/Smart Cities.
7. Limit Control/Secure Societies.
8. Cultivating — Greenhouse Automation.

The passed on record association can be used to help an assortment of government and public region applications, including mechanized money/portions, land enlistment, character the board, stock organization conspicuousness, clinical benefits, corporate selection, charge assortment, projecting a voting form (political choice sand go-between), and legitimate components the leaders.


Why placed assets into AITECH
· AI is expected to be the ‘inundation of what might be on the horizon’
· There is a shortfall of High Computing Power in the EU and our point is to conquered any issues
· Deflationary representative where we will complete conventional coin devours
· Staking stage will be dispatched where tokens holders can secure interest
· Additional prizes will be open
· AITECH will have a real use case as later on it will in general be utilized to purchase AI organizations
· all things considered we are the World’s first AI utility token
· Growing social class

Lorem Ipsum is simply phony text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the business’ standard hoax text since the time the 1500s, when a dark printer took a cookroom of type and blended it to make a sort model book. It has persevere through five centuries, yet moreover the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining fundamentally unaltered. It was advanced during the 1960s with the appearance of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum sections, and even more actually with workspace appropriating programming like Aldus PageMaker including types of Lorem Ipsum.


Solidus AI Tech has put a lot of energy into the Tokenomics and the emblematic model. In light of everything, the token has been expected to reflect the achievement of the IaaS stage, and to help a sound climate joining token holders, stage customers , and the Solidus AI tech bunch.

Token Name : AITECH
Token Ticker : AITECH
Recognized Currencies : USDT, ETH
Capability : Subject to KYC and AML
Token Sale Stages : Three
Tokens being sold : 4 billion
Complete Supply : 10 billion
Decimals : 18
Token Type : Ethereum, ERC-20
Public Sale Start Date : 01–12–2021
Public Sale End Date : 31–01–2022
Public Sale Price : 1 AITECH = 0.012738


YouTube : http://youtube/


Bitcointalk Username: Oscar Melendo
Telegram Username: @JustinHarijawan
Wallet : 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1


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