Jumat, 04 Juni 2021

Where SafePanda Thrives & Bamboo Soars.

Where SafePanda Thrives & Bamboo Soars.


Investing is an activity carried out by a person to get a profit in the future by allocating a certain amount of money in instruments such as gold, real estate, etc. Currently, many companies offer investment services to users with attractive returns. However investing has risks, users must be wise in investing their money so that they will not lose their assets.


However, nowadays quite a lot of investors entrust their money to hedge fund companies. By entrusting funds to this company, investors do not need to worry about risks, because funds will be managed by professional managers who are experienced, following their strategies. This company will manage investment funds to achieve maximum returns and also eliminate risks.


Talking about hedge funds, maybe you will be interested in this one platform. It is a trading advisor company managing derivatives accounts and external clients, which aims to provide investors with maximum return and low risk.



With Bamboo, you can feel secure in the knowledge that your investment will go towards solving this global problem! Through partnerships with leading forest restoration organizations, we can help provide employment opportunities for local people, assist in forest restoration, and create sustainable forest management practices for our planet’s future generations.


Bamboo Token is the cryptocurrency of the future. This token is designed to be dynamic with its hyper deflation function. It maintains a constant growth of tokens in the future, and there is a 10% commission charged for each transaction, which is distributed evenly among the holders. With each transaction, a certain amount of BNB is collected, which is used to plant trees through the OneTreePlanted fund, allowing for zero-carbon transactions. And including this philosophy is beneficial for society. This project has created a truly powerful cryptocurrency, ready for adoption by businesses unwilling to use energy-intensive alternatives. Additional features will be covered in the article below.


SafePanda at a glance SafePanda is a static yield deflationary token that automatically generates liquidity on the Binance Smart Chain. This means that SafePanda’s supply will shrink over time, you can farm more tokens just by keeping SafePanda in your wallet, and there will always be a liquid market for SafePanda. SafePanda has an amazing and dedicated team that is focused on transparency and community. Feel free to contact any of them, they are passionate and happy to chat about the project.


Project goal and plans SafePanda’s goal is to create a profitable trading opportunity for our growing community. We believe that you vote with your money, and we give our investors the opportunity to vote for wildlife conservation. In the future, when our community grows and we establish ourselves as a leading token, we are striving to realize a big idea. Through partnerships with online retailers, we are able to transform our protocol into a payment method that gives consumers the ability to buy products with the same value as SafePanda. Read more about this o

The SafePanda team is committed to the success of our token, and we strive every day for achieving that goal. We’ll never forget how important it is to us as a company — or you, our loyal community members!


Our powerful utility token with purpose. At the center of the Anji ecosystem, built to scale.
Our future DEX and the Anji Ecosystem, is built around SafePanda. Volume grows from new tokens joining this DEX, and SafePanda will grow with it. For our first steps, holders can now stake their tokens for Bamboo. Innovative With all these amazing innovations in place we support animal conservation, for every transaction a percentage goes towards adopting Pandas.


Why SafePanda?
Ready to lead all charity tokens into the mainstream.
SafePanda thrives in the Anji ecosystem. A token that is beautifully designed to reward long term holders. Wallets are forever growing, thanks to static rewards and the option to stake for Bamboo. With a 10% transaction fee, a portion of each transaction goes towards adopting Pandas with the WWF. As our future DEX grows with charity tokens joining, SafePanda will lead the way for a new breed of investors. An investor that not only cares about their profit margins, but one that wants to have a positive impact while reaching their financial goals.

→ 4% Liquidity Acquisition
→ 3% Static Rewards
→ 2% Panda Adoptions
→ 1% Expenses
Invest In Something Good.


The team and our investors explore unreached territories in the crypto space. We believe you vote with your money and we provide the opportunity for new investors to vote for good while reaching their financial goals.

With every transaction made, the earth is made a little bit better. That is thanks to the amazing work of the WWF and OneTreePlanted. New investors are joining a movement of holders reach the moon, but still have a positive impact back here on earth.


LP Acquisition, Hyper Burn, Donation, Expenses
Bamboo works by using 10% of every transaction and evenly distributed.

LP Acquisition :

A portion of the transaction is collected in Bamboo and sold into BNB. That BNB is married up with the remaining of Bamboo and deposited back into the PancakeSwap liquidity pool.

Hyper Burn :

A portion of the transaction is sent to be burned forever. 25% of the total supply is burned on genesis.

Donation Pool :

A portion of the transactions is collected by the Bamboo contract and sold into BNB that is reserved to be collected by the Charity Wallet.

Expenses Fee :

A portion of the transaction is sold into BNB and reserved in the contract to be collected by an expenses wallet for use in marketing, promotion and business expenses related to Bamboo.


SafePanda thrives in the Anji ecosystem. A token that is beautifully designed to reward long-term investors. Holders have a peace of mind knowing that their wallet is forever growing when holding SafePanda thanks to static rewards and a staking opportunity to accumulate Bamboo. Each transaction has a 10% fee which is distributed in 4 ways.

4% Liquidity Acquisition
3% Static Rewards
2% Panda Adoptions
1% Expenses


Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth that soars in the Anji ecosystem. This token is constructed to be dynamic with its hyper-deflationary function. This supports the tokens consistant growth into the future. Each transaction has a 10% fee which is distributed in 5 ways.

2% Liquidity Acquisition
2% Burned Forever
2% Tree Planting
2% Expenses
2% Staking


Symbol : $BMBO
Total Supply : 1,000,000,000,000,000
Genesis Burn : 250,000,000,000,000
Pancake SWAP LP : 250,000,000,000,000
Presale Allocation : 400,000,000,000,000
Marketing : 100,000,000,000,000


Our Roadmap
Phase 1 : Launch

Successful Launch
Adopt our first Pandas!
Smart Contract Audit
Establish Admin & Mod team
Refine community platforms
Develop Social Media channels
Begin development for future
Expand our Core Dev team
Establish our Social Media team
Phase 2 : Develop

Adopt more pandas & plant trees
Focus on community growth
Strategic marketing campaigns
Seek influencer campaigns
CMC & CG Listing
List on exchanges
Advertising partnerships
Develop autonomous donation contract
Begin e-commerce function development
Phase 3 : Expand

Adopt more pandas and plant trees
Expand Core Dev & Admin Team
Enter the NFT space
Seek animal conservation partnership
Seek retail partnerships
Core Team sanctuary visit
Begin development on education platform
Phase 4 : Implement

Adopt more pandas and plant trees
Optimise our team and infrastructure
Integrate with first retail applications
Launch education platform
Integrate education services
Begin community project
First ever charity focused DEX


For More Information

Website Bamboo : http://www.bamboo.anji.eco/

Website SafePanda: https://www.safepanda.net/

White paper : https://www.bamboo.anji.eco/white-paper

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/SafePanda/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/safepandatoken

Discord : https://discord.gg/safepandatoken

Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/safepandatoken

TikTok : http://tiktok.com/@safepandaofficial

Telegram Bounty : https://t.me/Tokensfund_io



Bitcointalk Username: Oscar Melendo

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853231

Telegram Username: @JustinHarijawan

BSC Wallet Address: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1



The Greeneum Network

Greeneum Network is a global community that connects all entities in the energy supply chain to participate in this revolutionary new platform based on smart contracts and AI. They create a decentralized and sustainable energy marketplace that enables intelligent monetization of real time energy transactions. The Greeneum network leverages blockchain technology, smart contracts and artificial intelligence (AI) to incentivize and decentralize the energy market so that all stakeholders can reliably produce, trade and consume energy. Ultimately, reducing the world's carbon footprint and painting the world green. This is done through proof of the existence of the ERC20 utility token GREEN and the patented Greeneum network with AI and Engine tested with Solarchange.


Greeneum Features
Greeneum is a smart and efficient green energy marketplace. Which allows users to trade green energy quickly, safely, and affordably. With the help of Greeneum, it is possible to optimize the green energy market and benefit the participants in it. Greeneum collaborates with various parties to provide a reliable service, including MIT, IBM, Deloitte, etc. The following are features of the Greeneum;

Energy Validation and Profiling: The Solar PET (Proof-of-energy-transaction) protocol will profile and validate energy production for existing resistant power-production systems.
Optimization and Management from Energy: Greeneum builds a solution that will optimize and manage microgrids and utilities.
Decentralized Platform for Energy Trading: This is a platform that allows traders, consumers, producers, and utility companies to trade energy freely in a secure and secure decentralized platform.
Monetization of Data and Energy: Greeneum through GREEN tokens will monetize energy across the platform.
Energy transactions: Greeneum uses blockchain technology and smart contracts for the recording, distribution, and transactions of green energy.


Increased levels of solar photo-voltaic energy created output instability on neighboring grids due to voltage penetration as power traveled to the Israeli national medium voltage grid.


By integrating Greeneum's proprietary energy prediction software with a software-based Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS), energy producers were able to accurately predict hourly energy production.

With accurate forecasts on active and reactive energy produced by each inverter in the system, producers were able to maximize their earnings and stabilize grid voltage. 



Nicosia is the largest city in the Greek island of Cyprus. Serving as the island's financial capital and its main international business center, Nicosia was the 6th richest city in the world in relative purchasing power in 2015.


Although Cyprus already had solar arrays in place, photo-voltaic fluctuation was a constant management issue for producers. Exacerbated by varying household and business demand, the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) needed an energy management system that could efficiently handle sustainable energy production for a population of over 310,000 residents.


Working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, as well as top members of academia at the University of Cyprus, Greeneum conducted a predictive analysis assessment of the island's energy needs and created a plan for optimization.

Through integration of Greeneum's proprietary energy prediction software with a software-based Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS), various solar arrays were aggregated under a single virtual "power plant" for increased efficiency.

With power fluctuation mitigated, grid managers could now closely manage power output and reduce the cost of creating and maintaining clean energy reserves. Estimates project trillions of dollars in future production savings.



Security and speed is essential when it comes to efficient buying. Our API connects users seamlessly to the Greeneum blockchain for easy trading.

Optimized for profitability and efficiency, the Greeneum API allows for seamless integration and customization to meet users green energy needs.  From Green Certificates issuance to GreenPETs tracking is automated through our platform which enables users to easily obtain rewards.


Unified metrics are key to driving efficient energy usage. Greeneum utilizes highly-secure data collection techniques to compile and validate output from energy systems and environmental data domains.

Our scalable solution creates an incentive for solar and green energy producers to optimize their energy output and usage.


Greeneum's proprietary customized AI and machine learning are highly accurate and efficient. Over time, our machine learning algorithms become smarter and deliver reliable and transparent information in near real-time. 


GREEN is a token issued by the Greeneum platform which will serve as a utility token. The GREEN token is based on Ethereum ERC-721 which means GREEN is non-fungible tokens (NFT). Users can use GREEN tokens for various purposes such as purchases, payments, etc. Users can get these tokens through the token sale program organized by Greeneum.


GREENEUM (GREEN) Token Swap to BEP20
Greeneum is announcing a successful deployment of Greeneum BEP20 smart contract after an intensive development and a successful audit process.


What is Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) ?
Binance Smart Chain provides faster and cheaper transactions than most blockchains and allows developers to port from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain with ease.

GREEN BEP20 the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Network, users can enjoy transactions of funds seamlessly and provide efficiency Greeneum smart energy P2P applications. 

BEP-20 is a token standard on Binance Smart Chain that extends ERC-20, the most common Ethereum token standard. Like BEP-2 tokens on Binance Chain, BEP-20 token transfers are fuelled with BNB. This provides an incentive for validators to include the transactions in the blockchain, as they’ll collect the BNB as a fee. However, these fees are cheaper, and the transaction executes faster and much consumes less energy compared to the ERC20 network. 

Greeneum's tested and validated software as a service (SaaS), application programming interface (API), and secure internet of things (IoT) enables management, intelligent prediction, optimization and value trading for new and existing energy market stakeholders

using real-time machine learning and some advanced validation, Greeneum monitors and


The GREENEUM team welcomes all members of the community to support and benefit from our mission. The development and communication activity channels will be managed from the Telegram and GREENEUM websites. All three of the co-founders were experienced and passionate entrepreneurs. To know about the GREENEUM project Team, please contact this website: https://www.greeneum.net/company#team


Token Details:
Token name: GREEN
Total Supply: 1 Billion
Token Type: ERC-20
Available for sale: 250,000,000 GREEN
Receive: ETH

Under a 100% renewable scenario based on these numbers, millions of jobs will be created. Consider that the 3.9 million construction jobs and 2 million operational jobs in renewable energy plants will exceed the 3.9 million jobs lost from the traditional energy sector.


30.9% - land wind
19.1% - offshore wind
30.7% - utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV)
7.2% - rooftop PV
7.3% - concentrated solar power (CSP) with storage
1.25% - geothermal
0.37% - tides / waves
3.01% - hydroelectric power



To conclude:
GREENEUM has a global GREEN community acting to create a clean energy market, a global GREEN community, a global energy data platform, an energy market distribution and energy security democracy and pseudonyms. Ultimately, through the GREENEUM platform, stakeholders in the energy market will be able to drive efficiency, save millions and influence the global renewable energy market.



Website: https://www.greeneum.net/

WhitePaper: https://www.greeneum.net/whitepaper

Twitter: https://www.greeneum.net/whitepaper

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GreeneumNetwork/

Exchange: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/GREEN-USDT/

Telegram Group: https://t.me/GreeneumNetwork/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/GreeneumNetworkChannel


Bitcointalk Username: Oscar Melendo
Telegram Username: @JustinHarijawan
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853231
Bep20 Wallet Address: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1



RushMoon ist ein automatisiertes Liquiditätserfassungssystem sowie ein dezentrales Austausch-Tool, das auf der Binance Smart Chain ausgeführt wird und viele einzigartige und kreative Funktionen bietet, mit denen Sie verdienen und gewinnen können.
Wir unterstützen die Absteckung von CAKE-LP v2 voll und ganz.


Wie Sie sehen, versuchen wir, für jeden Auftrag eine ETA bereitzustellen. Die Entwicklung oder Codierung ist jedoch nicht einfach und bringt immer einige Unsicherheiten mit sich. Wir werden unser Bestes geben, um jede Funktion oder jedes Produkt rechtzeitig zu veröffentlichen. Bitte beachten Sie auch mögliche Verzögerungen.


Token-Name: RushMoon-
Token-Symbol: RUSH
Vertragsadresse: 0xff96ce2cc0d20dA0250A63BDca2B568F52a5bC71
Kette: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

Maximaler Vorrat: Unbegrenzt


Übertragen Steuer
Rate Burn: 1% Übertragungssteuer verbrannt wird sofort
Automatische Liquiditätsrate: 4% der Erwerbssteuer wird hinzugefügt , um den LP - Pool und verriegelt.
Gesamttransfersteuersatz: 5% jeder Überweisung


1000 RUSH / Block
28.800.000 RUSH / Tag
9,09% an das Entwicklerteam, um ein wesentliches Wachstum des Projekts sicherzustellen


Startdatum des Vorverkaufs: 23. Mai 12:00 UTC, Whitelist wird benötigt.
Die Whitelist ist geöffnet, bis der Vorverkauf beginnt.

Treten Sie der Whitelist bei:  https://rushmoon.finance/presale

Wird direkt auf der rushmoon-Website abgehalten, um teilzunehmen. Verbinden Sie Ihre Metamask, geben Sie den Betrag an BNB ein, den Sie senden möchten, und klicken Sie auf Kaufen. RUSH-Token werden sofort über unseren Vorverkaufsvertrag zurückgegeben. Verwenden Sie keine Wechselkonten und senden Sie den BNB-Vertrag nicht direkt an den Vorverkauf.


Der Countdown kann auf der Website angezeigt werden.

5% BNB-Empfehlungsprämie wird sofort über den Vorverkaufsvertrag verteilt. Erstellen Sie Ihren Empfehlungslink unter dem Feld Vorverkaufskauf unter  https://rushmoon.finance/presale

Softcap: 50 BNB
Hardcap: 200 BNB Maximale
Dauer: 6 Stunden


Preis: 1 BNB = 750.000 RUSH
Pancake Auflistungspreis: 1 BNB = 650.000 RUSH
Pancake Auflistungsdatum: Immadierty nach Erreichen der harten Kappe oder 23. Mai 18:00 UTC Maximale Obergrenze
pro Brieftasche - 3.750.000 RUSH-Token (~ 5 BNB) Kein Minimum .


Tokens sind bis zum Ende des Vorverkaufs gesperrt.
Die Landwirtschaft beginnt bei Block: # 7667919 und der Rückkauf wird sofort nach dem Vorverkauf aktiviert.

Die Liquidität ist für 90 Tage auf den RUSH-Vertrag beschränkt. Um Beweise zu erhalten, lesen Sie die Funktion „LPLocked“, geben Sie die Vertragsadresse von RUSH ein und klicken Sie auf Abfrage für die Unix-Zeit zum Entsperren von LP.


Nicht verkaufte Token werden vor dem Start von Pancake verbrannt. RUSH zu Beginn geprägt und wie folgt verteilt;
500.000.000 RUSH Gebrannt bei 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD (nicht an CZ oder Vb
gesendet 475.000.000 RUSH Vorverkauf
10.000.000 RUSH für RUSH-BUSD LP-Pool
5.000.000 RUSH Airdrop
5.000.000 RUSH Bounty
5.000.000 RUSH Twitter-Wettbewerbe


Project Launch
Presale (Whitelist ist 7 Tage geöffnet)
Audit (In Bearbeitung)
Beantragen Sie die Registrierung bei Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BscScan usw.
Landwirtschaft (Einsatz von RUSH-LP, um RUSH zu erhalten) - 6 Stunden nach Ende des Vorverkaufs
Twitter-Wettbewerb - kurz vor dem Start der
Partnerschaft - Wird direkt nach dem Start gestartet

AMM - 30 Tage nach dem Start
Alle LP-Pastry Farms deaktivieren - 3 Tage nach der AMM-Veröffentlichung
RUSH-LP Farm hinzufügen - 3 Tage nach der AMM-Veröffentlichung
Erstes Farmangebot - 15 Tage nach der AMM-Veröffentlichung
AMM Trading Mining (Handel mit RUSH für neue Token ) - 30 Tage nach AMM-Veröffentlichung

AMM API Endpunkt
AMM Analytics
Margin Trading
Fixed Rate Swaps
Binäre Optionen


Weitere Informationen zu RushMoon

Website:  https://rushmoon.finance/

Dokumente:  https://docs.rushmoon.finance/

Bscscan:  https://bscscan.com/address/0xff96ce2cc0d20da0250a63bdca2b568f52a5bc71

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/RushMoonBSC

Medium:  https://rushmoon.medium.com/

Telegramm Ann:  https://t.me/rushmoonofficial

Github:  https://github.com/RushMoonBSC



Bitcointalk-Benutzername: Oscar Melendo
Telegramm-Benutzername: @JustinHarijawan
Bitcointalk-URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853231
BEP-20 Wallet-Adresse: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1

Kamis, 03 Juni 2021



Over the centuries, Gambling / Betting has proven to be very flexible and adaptive to innovation, the development of games with online betting in today's times is very rapid. And in the world of betting, of course the exchange of value is paramount after the game itself. Betting applications developed on certain platforms will be very efficient, especially on platforms that are able to process transactions quickly and at low fees such as a decentralized fair betting platform built on the Binance Smart Chain.


Betting based on the Binance Smart Chain Platform is very efficient, because starting from the process of depositing, betting, and withdrawing bets does not require a human touch, everything runs automatically. When compared to other traditional and online games, of course this betting platform based on the Binance Smart Chain is more efficient, with a high level of efficiency, and for more details, please join the amazing betting platform below ...


Welcome to - Getti Bet
A decentralised fair betting platform built on Binance Smart Chain. Powered by our utility token SafeGetti. Earn 5% of all transaction fees and much more! Fully Audited by Solidity Finance – Audit Pending


Great online betting games with a buy-back and burn integration.
We buy back and burn SafeGetti tokens from the market every two weeks with revenue fees generated from our betting games. This means holders recieve transactions tax distribution and reduced supply over time!


Three Games Launching Soon!
1. Coinflip:
Heads or tails, 50/50 chance of winning, each bet pays the winner 1.98x of their bet.

2. Roll a Dice:
Bet on numbers 1-6, winning bet pays 5.96x of bet.

3. Two Dice:
Bet on any number 2-12, winning bet pays 35.64x of bet.


Learn more about SafeGetti Token
70% Burn
We’ve sent 70% of the SafeGetti token to the black hole forever. This burn wallet also earns fees meaning the supply is ever reducing on each transaction!

Fully Audited
By the time we launch our pre-sale we will be fully Audited so investors can invest in peace!

Ownership Renounced
We will renounce ownership once our pre-sale ends, to give confidence to the community that no further smart contract token changes can be made!

LP Token Locked
We will lock liquidity pool tokens (LP) for 256 Years with Unicrypt! Giving power and confidence back to the community and investors.

A decentralised fair betting platform built on Binance Smart Chain
Launchpad AMM: PancakeswapV2
Contract address: 0xEe92A0E9AdcecCA4530Fa32927168ac761403b58


Unique SafeGetti Token
Learn more about the mechanics of the SafeGetti pre-sale

Liquidity Lock Rate: 50% BNB raised liquidity lock
time: 265 years
Presale Price: 248.750.000.000 SafeGetti / per BNB
Listing Price: 186.562.500.000 SafeGetti / per BNB
Burned: 70% of Supply
Soft Cap: 150 BNB
Hard Cap: 800 BNB
Max Spend per Account: 8 BNB
Platform: Unicrypt
Audit: Yes
LP Lock: Yes – 256 Years
Instant Trading: Yes – Pancakeswap
Start: Sun 23 May 15:00
End: Tue 1 Jun 14:56
Total supply: SafeGetti


SafeGetti Tokenomics
For sale: 19.9%
Liquidity: 7.3
team token/other: 72.4%
Total supply: SafeGetti


Don’t just be an investor Be a player!
Getti Bet allows everyone to play fair betting games using just a Metamask wallet and earn BNB all managed by smart contracts! Earn up to 35x your bet with Getti Bet. And remember 50% of all revenues will be used to buy back and burn SafeGetti tokens!


it is good
Liquidity lock duration is 265 years
Listing price is higher than presale price


it is not good


About the team


There isn’t a White Paper. According to their website:
“5% transaction fee distributed holders.”
“Great online betting games with a buy-back and burn integration.”
About dev wallet: 70% of total supply was burned. Now, the team holds 2,5% of total supply. Small dev wallet is good. But 50% liquidity lock rate is a little small.


They say they will create betting games on their website. But currently there is no live game.

It’s not good that there is a big difference between softcap and hardcap. Because if the amount close to the hardcap is not collected, the price of the token may drop significantly at the beginning of the market.


For more information About GettiBet Project

Official Website: https://www.gettibet.com/

Telegram Group: https://t.me/getti_bet

Telegram Bounty: https://t.me/getti_bet


Join Pre-Sale: https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancakev2/ilo/0x8cc4f2216B7d99730AdAe274c0bb3210111Fe44c

BSC Scan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xee92a0e9adcecca4530fa32927168ac761403b58


Bitcointalk Username: Oscar Melendo
Telegram Username: @JustinHarijawan
BSC Wallet Address: 0x02289F8569Fe42E91A5F9CABfc7b75f756C634D1


#Airdrop #Crypto #BNb #BNB #BSC #crypto #Airdrops #cryptomate